Dexso GmbH Impressum
Legal Information:
Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
Registered office: Sissach, Switzerland
Commercial register number: CHE-384.892.903
Registered on: 29.10.2014
Business Address:
c/o VBS Verband-Services AG, Hardstrasse 1, 4133 Pratteln
Acting Commercial Director:
Jonas Straumann, Managing Director, authorized to sign individually
Company Purpose:
The company's purpose is to engage in the trade of products and services of all kinds and the organization of research services. The company may establish branch offices and subsidiaries in Switzerland and abroad and participate in other companies in Switzerland and abroad, as well as conduct any business directly or indirectly related to its purpose. The company may acquire, encumber, sell, and manage real estate in Switzerland and abroad. It may also provide financing for its own or third-party accounts and provide collateral for the liabilities of affiliated companies.